The Beginning is the Most Important Part of the Work

First week of work…check.

I am back to my normal routine of a ballet dancer, with morning warm up followed by ballet class and a day full of rehearsals. It has been a week of meeting new colleagues and learning new steps, laughing with friends and learning more steps. My muscles have ached and my toes have hurt, but I have to admit it was not as bad as it could have been, as most days the work load was manageable. Continue reading “The Beginning is the Most Important Part of the Work”

Every End is a New Beginning

So today is the last day of my long summer holidays and the day before the ballet season starts again. I cannot believe that my holidays – six weeks in five countries  – are already over. A daily routine will soon be here and I find myself in a studio instead of a beach.

Me & friends from the company, Marseille

However, the hardest part is not regaining the previous strength, the discipline, or the long and late hours of work. The most difficult part at the end of every summer is saying goodbye to my family. Continue reading “Every End is a New Beginning”

Dancing into the New Season with the School of Russian Ballet

With my summer holidays coming to an end, I had a lovely opportunity to finish it off on a dancing high. In a small studio, along with some young aspiring ballerinas and a wonderful teacher, I was back to ballet training and ready to work.

During the previous summer I spent a week here with my parents and manage to find a small dance school called The School of Russian Ballet, where they were nice enough to let me join in some classes. I was there once again this summer sharing the studio with the girls and their teacher, Regina Zarhina. Continue reading “Dancing into the New Season with the School of Russian Ballet”

Exciting Opportunity to Teach Abroad/Home

I was asked by KNT Danceworks in Manchester if I wanted to teach a class while I am back in England and as it fits in with my summer plans there will be a ballet class this week on Thursday 18th.

It is always a great compliment to be asked to give a class, especially as I love to pass on my experience and knowledge of dance. In the past I have taught classes of young beginners, where as this time I will have the opportunity to advise a studio full of young adults who have a passion for ballet and really want to learn something. I think it will be a great experience for me, whether only one person or 50 people turn up, and if I can give these dancers anything I would want them to have a enjoyable class.

If anyone is close by and interested, come and join me and other ambitious dancers on Thursday. See you there!

With love,
