On Thursday evening I was at the Dancehouse in Manchester teaching an Advanced Ballet class for KNT Danceworks, who asked if I wanted to give a one off guest teaching while I was home over summer. Continue reading “Success at KNT Danceworks”
Author: lwjoefmy
A Day without Training is Like Walking Around without your Pants on!
As you can imagine with such a long summer break of 6 weeks it can be very easy to get out of shape. I have found that a good mixture of rest and movement can really help to recover, yet stay suppel and toned throughout holidays.
After a season I always feel my body does need a few weeks rest with no intense everyday exercise. It is very important to give the muscles and joints some time to recover from the long strenuous season it just went though. Continue reading “A Day without Training is Like Walking Around without your Pants on!”
Exciting Opportunity to Teach Abroad/Home
I was asked by KNT Danceworks in Manchester if I wanted to teach a class while I am back in England and as it fits in with my summer plans there will be a ballet class this week on Thursday 18th.
It is always a great compliment to be asked to give a class, especially as I love to pass on my experience and knowledge of dance. In the past I have taught classes of young beginners, where as this time I will have the opportunity to advise a studio full of young adults who have a passion for ballet and really want to learn something. I think it will be a great experience for me, whether only one person or 50 people turn up, and if I can give these dancers anything I would want them to have a enjoyable class.
If anyone is close by and interested, come and join me and other ambitious dancers on Thursday. See you there!
With love,
Summer Time
Hey guys,
As I have started this blog a couple weeks into my summer holiday, it is the perfect time for you to see what dancers get up to whilst not working.

When another season is coming to an end we are always so excited for our 6 week holiday, as you can imagine. When working in a ballet company the dancers are given all their holidays at once, in a long summer break, just like in school (minus all those missed half turn breaks). We are sometimes lucky with a few days off around christmas and New Years, or even one or two long weekends, which is always much appreciated. But after working all season long we definitely need the well deserved break and usually a trip back home, where ever that may be. Continue reading “Summer Time”