Surprised by the Unsurprising


The Lake District, 2012

I am often asked about my diet as a dancer, which I can understand as most people think we are all so skinny because we don’t eat enough. But actually out of the number of dancers I know, we are pretty normal when it comes to food.

To do the amount of exercise required, a dancer has to keep their body fueled with the correct food and right amount of it. Yes, I do watch what I eat but more in the way that I want to get as much out of the ingredients as I can to make me a better athlete. Dancers are like any other athletes and we need power for rehearsals and even more so for performances, and that power comes from our food. Continue reading “Surprised by the Unsurprising”

A Day without Training is Like Walking Around without your Pants on!

As you can imagine with such a long summer break of 6 weeks it can be very easy to get out of shape. I have found that a good mixture of rest and movement can really help to recover, yet stay suppel and toned throughout holidays.

After a season I always feel my body does need a few weeks rest with no intense everyday exercise. It is very important to give the muscles and joints some time to recover from the long strenuous season it just went though. Continue reading “A Day without Training is Like Walking Around without your Pants on!”

Summer Time


Hey guys,

As I have started this blog a couple weeks into my summer holiday, it is the perfect time for you to see what dancers get up to whilst not working.

Bodensee, 2011

When another season is coming to an end we are always so excited for our 6 week holiday, as you can imagine. When working in a ballet company the dancers are given all their holidays at once, in a long summer break, just like in school (minus all those missed half turn breaks). We are sometimes lucky with a few days off around christmas and New Years, or even one or two long weekends, which is always much appreciated. But after working all season long we definitely need the well deserved break and usually a trip back home, where ever that may be. Continue reading “Summer Time”